CONTEXTThe number of refugees and immigrants is constantly increasing |
A percentage of these vulnerable individuals turn to risky behaviours to satisfy their needs.
CONTEXTThe number of refugees and immigrants is constantly increasing |
A percentage of these vulnerable individuals turn to risky behaviours to satisfy their needs.
Substance use or criminal acts can be among those behaviours |
The lack of coping skills, like problem-solving and emotion regulation, have been observed to be at the core of substance use issues.
If not addressed in the scope of the rehabilitation process, the deficit of this kind of skills can quickly lead to re-offending. |
Justice Systems find it challenging to respond to the needs of refugee offenders, essentially due to the language barrier |
In 2011, the Council of Europe adopted the Recommendation on Probation about the accessibility of the health system: "Barriers to the accessibility of health services may have to be removed in order to help migrants find their way in the health system".
In the same Recommendation, it is stated: "Consideration should be given to all available methods of reducing language barriers, including translation by telephone and video, face-to-face interpretation, the provision of "intercultural mediators" and helping migrants to learn the language of the host country. |
This project is financed by ERASMUS+ programme, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic partnerships for adult education.
This website has been accomplished in the scope of the project "Training of Refugee Offenders by Virtual Reality" (TRAIVR), Grant Agreement no. 2020-1-TR01-KA204-A243883A, implemented with financial support of the European Commission by the Erasmus+ Programme. This website reflects the views only of the author, hence neither the Turkish National Agency nor the European Commission can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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