Virtual Reality Training: Advancing
the rehabilitation of vulnerable groups
under judicial supervision ↗
September 18 and 19, 2023 - Tackling Language Barriers
In an ongoing effort to transform the rehabilitation process for vulnerable groups, including forcibly displaced persons, asylum seekers, and individuals under judicial community supervision with substance use issues, the TRAIVR project is making significant strides in the development of its groundbreaking training programme enhanced by virtual reality.
Beyond the already-proven effectiveness of virtual reality training, the commitment to creating user-friendly and language-independent materials is breaking down language barriers and promoting inclusivity, a top priority for professionals working with individuals who have been forcibly displaced and who have been convicted for a criminal offence. This accessibility is a central priority of the TRAIVR – “Training of Refugee Offenders by Virtual Reality” project.
Project partners gathered in Mannheim, Germany, for a two-day meeting on September 18th and 19th, 2023, where they examined the progress and next steps of the TRAIVR initiative. |
Finetuning the VR training scenarios
While the virtual reality training scenarios for the project have been finalised, this meeting provided a valuable opportunity for all partners to come together and engage in a collaborative effort to fine-tune the scenarios. During the meeting, partners brainstormed additional adjustments, rigorously tested the methodology, and ensured that it is ready for the end-users. One of the key focuses during this process was to maintain a strong emphasis on accessibility, engagement, and overcoming language barriers. Ensuring that the VR training scenarios are inclusive and accessible to a diverse range of users remained a top priority. The goal is to ensure that the VR training scenarios are not only inclusive but also easy to understand and user-friendly. |
Assessing changes in the stress management skills of survival migrants subject to judicial supervision
Project partners initiated the development of a comprehensive methodology for evaluating the impact of the TRAIVR intervention on participants, emphasising the project’s goal of fostering positive changes in individuals’ lives. This methodology will encompass a range of assessment tools and techniques designed to measure the effectiveness of the TRAIVR approach in enhancing the targeted skills. This approach aligns with the project's overarching goal of delivering effective training. |
Training of Trainers programme
In an effort to ensure the effective dissemination of the TRAIVR methodology, the project consortium has undertaken the development of a comprehensive 'Training of Trainers' programme, designed to equip practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively implement the TRAIVR methodology in their training sessions. Specifically, practitioners will receive training on how to leverage VR technology to create immersive and impactful training experiences. Additionally, the trainer’s manual will provide guidance on offering responsive feedback within the VR scenarios, ensuring that participants receive personalised and constructive guidance throughout their training journey. |
Next Steps
Looking ahead, the TRAIVR partnership is finalising technical adjustments to the VR training scenarios to optimise the user experience. After this phase, the project preparing for pilot implementations in Turkey and Portugal, where the TRAIVR methodology will be thoroughly tested in probation settings, providing valuable feedback from end-users. Additionally, two training events and national seminars are scheduled for October and November 2023, aiming to further disseminate knowledge about the TRAIVR methodology and encouraging engagement. A seminar will be held in Portugal on November 6th, 2023, offering an enriching experience for all attendees. TRAIVR brings together expert organisations from Turkey (Baskent University and Ankara Probation Directorate), Portugal (IPS_Innovative Prison Systems), Germany (Becure GmbH), and Romania (European Strategies Consulting). |